In 2016 I wrote about portmanteau words but last week, everybody in Sicily was using one that most of us hadn't heard before. It was Medicane, a blend of the English words Mediterranean and hurricane. In parts of Sicily, its effects were devastating but today we are thinking about the word.
A portmanteau word is a blend of two words, with at least one of them being shortened.
Can you work out which words form the following portmanteau words?
1. podcast
2. smog
3. frenemy
4. emoticon
5. internet
Highlight the space after the numbers for the answers:
1. ipod and broadcast
2. smoke and fog
3. friend and enemy ( A frenemy is a friend who behaves more like an enemy.)
4. emotion and icon
5. international and network
I'm sure you can think of lots more portmanteau words!