It's "goodbye" to the Olympics and Paralympics in London but British English has acquired a new compound noun during the Games. It is games maker and refers to a member of staff or volunteer who helped make the Games happen by giving information to people or providing other kinds of assistance. If you watched the Games on TV, you will have seen the games makers in their purple uniforms.
A compound noun is a word made up of two nouns or an adjective and a noun. Compound nouns can be written as two words, hyphenated [scritti con un trattino] or written as a single word. Facebook is a compound noun; so is football.
Now see if you can make compound nouns by combining the words in the left and right-hand columns. You will find the answers below the lists:
arm stop
car guard
bus pan
post dress
department door
frying boat
body chair
evening store
front office
life park
To see the answers, highlight the space below:
armchair, car park, bus stop, post office, department store, frying pan, bodyguard, evening dress, front door, lifeboat.
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